CONCERT REVIEW: Solstafir – Oranssi Pazuzu – Hamferð Live at Manchester Club Academy

“The Nordic Descent” tour must be carrying in its wake a touch of that famous Nordic climate as the UK is treated to its one light dusting of snow for the year. And of course as is tradition, once the first flakes touch ground all roads are rendered seemingly unusable which means our journey to the venue is inevitably delayed, throw in some minor confusion with passes on the door and we are unfortunately only able to catch the tail end of tonight’s opening act.Continue reading

Kamelot – Evergrey – Visions of Atlantis: Live at Manchester Club Academy

Here in the UK, a power metal tour of any capacity is a cause for mass celebration due to their relative infrequency. Generally speaking, a power metal act will make a sporadic appearance in London alone, and possibly a major summer festival here and there, meaning that unlucky Richards like yours truly in the north or the Midlands will miss out on the action. However, if you happen to live in Mainland Europe, the possibilities and combinations of acts are endless.Continue reading