Heart ft. Dave Navarro Share Live Video For “Bébé Le Strange”

Heart has shared another live performance clip from their upcoming live DVD/Blu-ray Live in Atlantic City. Joined by Jane’s Addiction/Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist Dave Navarro, watch a killer rendition of their classic hit ‘Bébé Le Strange’. Live in Atlantic City is out January 25 via earMUSIC. Pre-orders are live at the link below now. Continue reading

Heart To Release All-Star Package “Live In Atlantic City” Next Month

Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame inductees Heart, featuring sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson are finally releasing their excellent 2006 live special as an album/deluxe LP/CD/DVD/BluRay package as Live In Atlantic City. Originally aired as VH1 Decades Rock Live, the newly mixed and mastered special will be released on January 25 via earMUSIC. Watch a performance video of ‘Lost Angel’ right now!Continue reading

Lucifer – Lucifer II

Whilst there is no pre-requisite for nominative determinism in music when you call your band Lucifer, you do set a bit of an expectation that your sound is going to, at the very least, a bit dark and evil. No one seems to have told Lucifer this. Their second album of what can only be loosely regarded as Occult Rock weaves its (black) magic in a way that is as unexpected as it is compelling.Continue reading

Kobra and the Lotus – Prevail II

Loud. Frenetic. Angry. It got my heart pumping and I’m only 68 seconds into it. That, my gentle readers, is Kobra and the LotusPrevail II (Napalm). Woah, I was not expecting that break down! Hell to the yeah! Oh, and yes, I’m still on the first track, ‘Losing my Humanity’. The lyrics are so kick ass. The phrasing is little gems dotted throughout this song. Continue reading

Watch Jerry Cantrell And Ann Wilson Pay Tribute To Chris Cornell At The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

At last night’s Rock And Roll Hall of Fame Ceremony, Jerry Cantrell of Alice In Chains joined Ann Wilson of Heart to pay tribute to their late friend and Seattle brethren Chris Cornell. Cornell passed away on May 18th, 2017. Watch a video of them covering Soundgarden classic ‘Black Hole Sun’. Continue reading

Heart Classic Track Barracuda Featured In Jessica Jones Season 2 Trailer

Marvel’s Netflix television series have made a hallmark of using a memorable rock or metal songs in their promotional materials, with 2017s Defenders using Nirvana’s ‘Come As You Are’ and The Punisher using Metallica’s ‘One’ in their trailers. Now with season 2 of the acclaimed Jessica Jones series on tap, a new trailer dropped with Heart’s phenomenal classic rock track ‘Barracuda’ helping to tell the story. Jessica Jones season 2 drops on Netflix on March 8th, 2018.Continue reading

Video: Heart New Album Teaser Featuring Metallica Singer James Hetfield

James Hetfield of Metallica,, by Victoria Anderson

James Hetfield of Metallica,, by Victoria Anderson

Heart’s forthcoming new album of re-imagined versions of older material Beautiful Broken is due out July 8th. The album features Metallica’s James Hetfield backing up Ann Wilson on the song ‘Fanatic’. The teaser for the album is available at this link or below.


Heart’s Nancy Wilcson comments on the new album:

“There is really a seventies feel to this record both in the sound, and the way we got to the emotional core of each song. We picked songs that we always wanted to re-do, plus we’ve added three new tracks. On both new and old, we have the band playing together the way we used to. This is classic HEART.”

Heart Beautiful Broken album cover ghostcultmag

My Favorite Concert Memory – Jimmy Bower


Jimmy Bower, Photo By Evil Robb Photography

Jimmy Bower, Photo By Evil Robb Photography

The first concert I ever went to was the Rolling Stones Tattoo You tour. My dad worked at CBS, so we were in the press box. It was 1980, so I was about 12 years old. There was this chick in the press box next to me and she kept saying to me “I’m on acid! I’m on acid!” So she was tripping on acid really bad and my dad had to ask her to leave me alone. (laughs) My second show ever was Heart and Kansas. I remember me and my sister were behind the stage watching from there, and Ann Wilson walked out on stage. And she and looked up at me and my sister, saw us and she gave us a thumbs up. It was really cool that she saw us as fans, so young. It really meant a lot to me for her to do that, that she was cool enough to shoot a thumbs up over at me. And this really set the bar for how I have treated fans the rest of my life in my career.”
