Dumb and Dumbest Episode #375: Chris Enriquez of Spotlights and Revolver Magazine on DIY

Chris Enriquez is one of the most important and supportive people in the music scene today. Whether it’s one of his bands such as Spotlights or Total Meltdown, helping to run Revolver Magazine, or his new podcast “The Age of Quarantine”, he is a major player in the scene. Matt and Keefy heard Chris’ story! Dumb and Dumbest #375 is streaming now and it’s all an interview with Chris Enriquez of Spotlights and Revolver Magazine on DIYDumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR) and Keith Chachkes (Ghost Cult/BDWE Media). In addition to the podcast, Matt, Curtis, and Keith all host The Music Marketing Challenges: low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists.  And we just launched a Get hands-on practical experience to market your band like a pro today! DM Matt or Curtis at the links below for details

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