ALBUM REVIEW: Arms And Sleepers – What Tomorrow Brings


Mirza Ramic doesn’t do anything halfway. 

The musical artist and producer helped to found Arms And Sleepers, an electronic trip hop outfit that was formed back in 2006 and has since released 13 full-lengths and 20 EPs in that time. His latest effort is no less impactful.Continue reading

Boris, Pelican, Nothing, Pianos Become the Teeth, Junius, and More Booked for Post. Fest


Indianapolis post-rock festival Post. Festival has announced its 2022 dates and lineup. As always, Post. Festival seeks to bring together both musicians and fans of post-adjacent genres without the aid of commercial status.” This year’s line-up includes: Boris, Pelican, Nothing, Pianos Become the Teeth, Junius, Arms and Sleepers, Coastlands, I Hear Sirens, Facs, Glassing, Pillars, Fayle, Colin Phils, Glacier, Brave Arrows, Black Flak and The Nightmare Fighters, & Onus.

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