GUEST POST: Tony Foresta’s Top 9 Random Highlights of 2016


Once again it’s that time of yer where the temperature drops, and hopefully our spirits are light. As we approach the holidays in this spirit of giving AND sharing, Ghost Cult once again brings you “End Of Year” lists, memories, and other shenanigans from our favorite bands, partners, music industry peers, and other folks we respect across the world. We’re kicking things off in killer fashion with the imitable Tony Foresta of Municipal Waste/Iron Reagan fame. Tony shares with you his Top 9 Random Highlights of 2016!

Lots of bad stuff happened this year but we’re not focusing on that shit right now. Here’s my top 9 random highlights of 2016:

Star Wars Rogue One (Disney) – haven’t seen it yet but you know it’s going to rule.

Dave Lombardo joins Suicidal Tendencies– Sui sounds the best they have in years. I mean him drumming for The Misfits is pretty tight, too, but let’s face it, the drummer of Def Leppard could play that gig.


GatecreeperSonoran Deprivation. This record will make you throw up blood… on a church.


City of Caterpillar announcing reunion shows! Old pals bringing back tons of fond memories. It’s no wonder these shows sold out in minutes. So pumped.


Burger King’s Cheetos Chicken Fries- I’m just playing these things are fucking nasty.


The BIll Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar squash match- nobody saw that one coming. Even if you hate Goldberg because he can’t wrestle that shit was still tight. Also the Aj Styles, Dean Ambrose, James Ellsworth feud is getting good.


Releasing Liquid Arson– My own hot sauce with Tears of Joy! Shameless plug. Whatever. I’m proud of it and Brian at Tears of Joy killed it.


Stranger Things- This show came out of nowhere and captured all of our binge-watching hearts. It’s almost unbelievable that even more ladies shaved their heads this year for 11 costumes than last year’s Mad Max Halloween hair epidemic.


That dude Glenn on The Walking Dead dying- I haven’t even seen the episode yet but thanks for ruining it for everyone you meme loving fucks!