EP REVIEW: Slugcrust – Discharge(d)

Slugcrust embody everything – and I mean everything – that makes grindcore the most intense, most unique and most captivating subgenre in the entire scene. Having released a pair of EPs and the hellacious slab that was Ecocide (number 10 on my album of the year list) in 2022, the South Carolina-based maniacs have blessed us all with another EP.

Discharge(d) (Terminus Hate City) is a classic example of “just take my fucking money” excellence. Fittingly so, feedback is a prominent tool both for intros and segways to other songs. 

The furious foursome devise five tracks in a compact ten minutes, and boy is it full of charisma and pandemonium. 

The percussive pings of Brett Terrapin are as sharp as a Kukri blade. Full-throated spurts and foundation-shaking drums confirm that everything is in fact coming crashing down around you, and things are only going to get worse. 

“Feral Natural” brings the thumping chugs from the get go, and the psychotically entrancing titular hook is a thing of muddied beauty. The title song features insisting, pompous two-step drum lines that would be a perfect kickstarter to tear up the pit at a show performed in the bathroom from the first Saw movie. 

The groove towards the ending and outro of “V4” oozes with the characteristics of the bottom of a shotgunned Bud Light. And as a friendly reminder, this all happens in a matter of ten minutes. Fear not, because Slugcrust have already established themselves as one of the most exciting and compelling grindcore bands out there. 

It’s difficult maintaining composure when it comes to discussing Slugcrust and what they’ve done in the few short years they’ve been around. Just like how difficult it is maintaining composure when it comes to listening to Slugcrust.

But if the trajectory is any indication, we are on the cusp of crowning new grindcore royalty. Eat your heart out, Barney Greenway.


Buy the album here:


9 / 10