Hell Or Highwater Sign New Record Deal, New Album Due In Late 2016

Hell or Highwater spinefarm ghostcultmag

California rockers Hell Or Highwater, which counts Atreyu drummer Brandon Sallor as their frontman, has singed a new record deal with Search&Destroy/Spinefarm Records. The band is preparing a new album, dubbed Vista, due later in 2016. The band has released an announcement video which you can watch at this link or below:

hell or highwater logo2 ghostcultmagSaller commented on the signing:

“We’re so incredibly excited to be a part of the Spinefarm/Search & Destroy family. We’ve been crafting this album for two years and can’t wait to share it with the world.”


The band has several releases under their belt and performed twice on the UPROAR Tour and toured extensively all over the world with acts such as Avenged Sevenfold. The band had released a new song and video in 2015 for the track I’ll Be Waiting’, which you can see at this link or below: 


hell or highwater logo ghostcultmag

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Life Of Agony Signs New Record Deal With Napalm Records, New Album Later In 2016

Life of Agony, photo credit Jeremy Saffer

Life of Agony, photo credit Jeremy Saffer

As first reported by Ghost Cult, Life Of Agony shared some big news: they have signed a new world wide record deal with Napalm Records and will release a new album, their first since 2005’s Broken Valley. The new album, Place Where There’s No More Pain, will release later in 2016.

Life of Agony place where there's no pain


Bassist Alan Robert commented on the occasion:

“I think our fans know that our music comes from a very real place of suffering, from all of us in the band. Many of our fans have told us over the years that sharing our personal struggles has been cathartic for them in healing the pain in their own lives. That uplifting energy we share at the shows, gives us hope that there’s light at the end of the tunnel. And for us and hopefully our fans, that short time when we’re all together is a place where there’s no more pain.”

Napalm CEO Thomas Caser, also commented about the signing:

“Life Of Agony is without a doubt one of the most exciting and energetic Rock bands of our times. It is an honour to work with such talent, we are excited to announce their signing to Napalm Records and release the band’s first album after over a decade.”


Life of Agony confirmed 2016 tour dates

German Tour

Jan 19: Live Music Hall – Cologne, DE

Jan 20: Capitol – Hanover, DE

Jan 22: Huxley’s, Berlin, DE

Jan 23: Schlachthof, Wiesbaden, DE

Jan 24: Backstage Werk, München, DE


Anarchy In The U.K. Tour

Mar 17: Electric Ballroom – London, UK

Mar 18: Slade rooms – Wolverhampton, UK

Mar 19: Club Academy – Manchester, UK

Festival Date:

Jul 16: Dynamo MetalFest – Eindhoven, NL

Life of Agony is:

Mina Caputo – Vocals

Alan Robert – Bass/Vocals

Joey Z – Guitar/Vocals

Sal Abruscato – Drums

loa famiglia

Life of Agony online

Life of Agony on Facebook

Life of Agony on Twitter

Mina Caputo on Twitter

Alan Robert on Twitter

Joey Z on Twitter

Sal Abruscato on Twitter


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Red Fang Enters The Studio With Ross Robinson, New Album Due Later In 2016

Red Fang Photo credit James Rexroad

Red Fang, Photo Credit: James Rexroad

Portland rock madmen Red Fang, who just celebrated their tenth anniversary as a band, are heading into the studio with Ross Robinson (Soulfly, Korn, Slipknot, Fear Factory) at his studio in Venice Beach, CA to record the follow up to Wales And Leeches (2013). The new Red Fang album will release on Relapse Records, later this year.

Commented drummer John Sherman:

“I’ve never been more excited about making a record in my life. The writing process for this album has been super fun and full of energy and good vibes. And the opportunity to work with Ross Robinson is so crazy – I’ve got goose bumps just talking about it!!”


Robinson also commented:


“Red Fang is the extreme mix of cool, wisdom, fire, life dedication and taste. I’m stoked to see who they are at the deepest level on tape; anyone touched by Red Fang swim in coolness, they are true messengers of inspiration.”


Last fall Aaron Beam gave Ghost Cult exclusive insights about their new album and what it might sound like.

Yeah for sure. We’ve already got three songs that are totally done, and we’ve got pieces of…I don’t know…30 more songs worth of material. We’ve got to start as soon as we get back from this tour we’re gonna lock in and start bashing out the songs and turning them into finishing them. We have studio time tentatively booked for end of February or beginning of March.

We’re really buckling down now. These tour things come up and A) you’ve got to make money and B) we wanted to try out these songs on the road as well and dial them in a little bit better and see how they’re working. That really helped a lot.

He gave a preview of the new material that is in the process of becoming the new Red Fang album. “You’ll probably be able to find some YouTube videos of some of the new songs. We’ve played them on this whole tour. One of them is called ‘The Shadows’ and it’s actually on this seven inch we’ve already put out. We’ll do an updated version of it.

There’s a new song that I’m super excited about that we’re playing on this last tour that’s kind of a slower, a little dirtier songs but it has this more Russian Circles kind of thing that happens half way through it. It’s got some surprises.

We’re still experimenting and branching out and trying new things always. It’s clearly going to be a Red Fang record but with some stuff you haven’t heard before.



As the band wends their way down from Portland to California, their will play two shows before hitting record on the new album.

Red Fang tour dates:

Feb. 17: Jub Jub’s – Reno, NV

Feb. 18: The Catalyst – Santa Cruz, CA

Red Fang online

Red Fang on Facebook

Red Fang on Twitter

Red Fang on Instagram

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