Tómarúm is a band tailor-made for extensive, elaborate compositions, overflowing with equal parts technicality and atmospherics. The Georgia-based progressive black metal group put the general public on notice with their scintillating debut full-length, Ash In Realms Of Stone Icons (Prosthetic). Just as each glance at the album cover (courtesy of Mariusz Lewandowski) presents new findings, so to does each listen trigger new emotions.
A colossal hour long undertaking four years in the making, Kyle Walburn (guitars, vocals, programming) and Brandon Iacovella (guitars, vocals, contrabass) pour their blood and guts into every second of the record.
The drumming – crafted by the much-qualified Spencer Moore (Inferi) – stands out in particular as it’s enormously relentless and at times penetrating. Not to be outdone, the vocals laid down are domineering, terrifyingly rugged and agonizing.
All these techniques come together appropriately seeing as very real topics of depression, anxiety, loss, and worthlessness are explored throughout.
‘In This Empty Space’ picks up melodically and becomes captivating, aural. ‘Where No Warmth Is Found’ has the most depressive, suicidal black metal vocals on the album but conversely features the first emergence of clean vocals, helped along by beautiful orchestrals to end the track.
‘As Black Forms From Grey’ puts the listener through quite the voyage, starting off harshly blackened with Moore’s beats-per-minute-shattering drumming. When the cleans return, they’re atop penetrating drums which make for a stellar juxtaposition.
Tómarúm (“empty space” in Icelandic) is anything but. The band exudes technical musicianship, a penchant for monumental songs and a fondness for murky, pessimistic anguish. It’s exquisitely epic and stirring. Furthermore, it’s endearing that up-and-coming bands continue to put a strong emphasis on songwriting – both lyrically and musically.
Four years in the making, Ash In Realms Of Stone Icons resembles a Lord Of The Rings in album form as the group artistically lays down some of the most compelling music – both in the realm of the genre and otherwise.
Buy the album here: https://tomarum.bandcamp.com/album/ash-in-realms-of-stone-icons
9 / 10