ALBUM REVIEW: Rhythm of Fear – Fatal Horizons


It’s been five years since Rhythm of Fear released their last album, Maze of Confusion. The crossover thrash band is back with more pummeling riffs and plenty of attitude with Fatal Horizons (MNRK Heavy) Just like any good thrash band, Rhythm of Fear targets the government, aliens and the occult in their sonic assault. 

Upon the first listen, it sounds and feels like the early days of crossover. You can feel the pummeling intensity and taste the D.R.I., M.O.D and early Death Angel influences throughout the recording. The riffs are mean and the solos come out in fierce frenzies. Guitarist Cody James is in full-out beast mode on this album. 


There plenty of grooves that can be felt in the riffs and bass throughout Fatal Horizons that really favors the band’s Hardcore influences, almost giving off a Pantera-like vibe, which makes sense as the band covered ‘Over and Out’ a mostly unknown song from Pantera’s Power Metal days they like to pretend didn’t happen. Vocalist Jay Santiago’s vocal delivery is fierce and full of punk attitude as he screams out the lyrics with plenty of power that match the rest of the band.

Fatal Horizons offers up a few eerie musical interludes between tracks that break up and slow down the musical beat down for a moment. Everyone needs to take in a breather now and again. It’s refreshing to hear the band experiment with their sound and offer a little different flavor to the crossover genre. 

Buy the album here:


8 / 10