ALBUM REVIEW: Peeling Flesh – The G Code

One of the most exciting bands in the brutal/slam death metal genre today, Peeling Flesh, continue on their way up from the underground in Oklahoma with their latest release, The G Code (Unique Leader Records). In under a half hour, the slams and rap interludes will have your head spinning out of control, smashing into the walls of your room. What’s more, there are quite a few guests on the record to further cement how far Peeling Flesh have come and how much the scene respects them.

“Shoot 2 Kill” is a statement track that lets everyone know what Peeling Flesh are all about and why they are getting so much crossover support from both metal and hardcore fans. The tremolo picking on the main riff really gets the metalheads going and then the breakdown/slam part with distorted rap samples over the top will get the pit violent with hardcore kids.

“Concrete Curb Enforcement” is yet another stellar standout track on The G Code. The intensity hits immediately and does not let off for a second. The slam in the ending gets a little added spice from a panic-like guitar lead which is sure to raise pit anxiety. Tim Louth (Cold Hard Truth) sneaking in with a guest spot is a happy element in the track.

“Barbarianism” follows a similar blueprint as most tracks on the record but has its own touches to make it stand out. The blast beats are not heard often so they really punch your inner ear and keep you invested. The breakdown in the end also shares more from a deathcore sound rather than brutal/slam death and that is not an insult.

From start to finish, the album is just an onslaught of brutal/slam death metal at its finest with hardcore poured over the top of their foundation. The G Code will be considered one of the better brutal/slam death metal records of this year and hopefully gives Peeling Flesh even more attention than they deserve. They are one of the few modern bands that can stand out in this genre and their live shows prove it, so get out there.

Buy the album here:

9 / 10