In the world of doom, there are seemingly as many subgenres as there are bands out there to choose from. I listen to so many different things and love that the genre just lets bands be who they truly are and express themselves naturally without conforming to something they are not. We have all heard bands who try to force elements in their music that they just simply do not shine at. This is not the case with A Nocturnal Crossing (Svart Recordings); everything has its place and works very well together.
I’ve always been a fan of Deathbell‘s moody atmospheric approach, and this new cut does not disappoint!! A Nocturnal Crossing is an impressive example of the texture and sonic emotion this band brings to the table. Heavy fuzz-laden guitars coupled with haunting vocals and solid grooves make each piece move as one animal.
There is also a sadness that comes through in each track that brings a melancholy element fans of the genre will definitely dig. I hear in their music a call to long ago tales and stories told over the ages. As a listener, you can close your eyes and be taken away, carried off by the ambiance of the structure.
I really did enjoy this album and not just because I’m a fan of the genre but because the music itself really cuts through and shines. Definitely looking forward to more stuff from this awesome band!!
Buy the album here:
7 / 10