Heavy, yet groove-laden, Bloodywood brings to the world Rakshak (Self-Released). Bloodywood marries classic Bollywood strains with some serious riffage and wicked heavy metal. Everything about Rakshak is loud and in your face. The listener has a primal urge to hear and see Bloodywood live. Every track on Rakshak is gobsmackingly amazing.
Jayant Bhadula and Raoul Kerr on vocals form a dynamic duo. The track ‘Aaj’ marries Marshall Mathers with Rob Zombie in vocal stylings and it works. ‘Aaj’ has what can only be described as a serious mathematical breakdown that makes your head explode. ‘Aaj’ and many of the tracks have a tribal feel that has the drums and bass, Vishesh Singh and Roshan Roy, squarely in the pocket. Vishesh Singh’s drumming is sublime. Being a flute player, the flute solo by Karan Katiyar (as opposed to inserting a stock guitar solo in the spot) is a phenomenal touch.
I’m not a fan of rap, and I’m not a full convert to the annoying and cringe worthy rap metal life; but Bloodywood does something magical and it sounds like a gift from the heavens. The range and combination of genre’s Bloodywood employs would make BABYMETAL proud. Everything and the kitchen sink were retooled and twerked; and then cosmic dust was added, a few words said at the height of the full moon and ‘Machi Bhasad’ was birthed to joyous and revelrous parents. I legit love everything about this song. It is my humble opinion that if one is having a horrid day, they be forced to listen this song, it will indeed chase the blues away, dispel any anger and frustration, and turn your frowns upside down.
The raw unbridled energy from track to track is infectious. Bloodywood composes songs on a Primus level. There is unrelenting movement to the songs that seep into your body and next thing you know, you, dear listener, are head banging in unison to the tune. Rakshak infects the listener to their core. Rakshak is FELT as well as heard.
Buy the album here: https://linktr.ee/BloodywoodOfficial
9 / 10