Gibson TV Teams Up with AXS TV for National Guitar Day Debut of “The Collection”

Iconic instrument brand, Gibson, through their worldwide online network, Gibson TV, has partnered with AXS TV to celebrate National Guitar Day with the network television debut of the longform Gibson TV series “The Collection.” It starts Tuesday, February 11 at 8 AM ET, and takes viewers on a deep dive into the extraordinary, personal guitar collections of music’s biggest artists. Find out more below.

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Led Zeppelin’s Debut Album Turns 50

Led Zeppelin has few peers on record in their fiery but brief career. Born from the crowded blues-rock wave, post-British Invasion 1960s, the band expertly and cleverly guess the tastes and whims of the growing music world and capitalized on them. Long gestated in Jimmy Page’s brain as a way to create his own band with a distinct identity that could touch many music bases, but not be commercial and weak. Page created Led Zeppelin and the album Led Zeppelin I (Atlantic) on the back of years of writing, planning, and plotting. The marriage of Jimmy Page’s writing and Robert Plant’s voice, in particular, is the secret sauce of the album and the early era of the band and what makes their debut one of the all-time greats. Continue reading