The Plot In You – Happiness In Self-Destruction


While the roots of “emo” can be traced back to the 80’s hardcore scene, it was with the turn of the millennium that, as a style, it really took hold of the conscience of the metal world; a natural response the braggadocio and machismo of a post-Pantera musical environment… hardcore could be sensitive, it didn’t have to be muscle-bound and it was perfectly acceptable to tug on the heartstrings.

“Emo” doesn’t have to be, indeed it shouldn’t be, a dirty word or the negative slur it has become. As the mouth consumes its own tail, that which was a response is targeted by a counter-response for watering down the original substance – an argument which ignores the fact that, by adding a new chemical to the compound, it becomes a different substance.

So, why all the talk of “emo”? Ohio’s The Plot In You are a metalcore band, albeit one to explore introspection and personal difficulties, are they not? Because on third album Happiness In Self-Destruction (Stay Sick), TPIY have moved further down the emo path, seeking to marry the two styles and further establish their own niche and when they’re successful at it, such as ‘Time Changes Everything’ and ‘Take Me Away’, there is a connection and a feeling of genuine emotion. Even when introducing a down-tuned Korn-lurch, such as on ‘Runaway’, they maintain a feeling of misperception, or fear within, and piece tension to desolation.

Yet, this is a high-maintenance style to sustain, and a difficult sheen to preserve. ‘Pillhead’ slips into King 810 territory, but without the hooks or menace of the Flint mob, and the suspension of disbelief is broken. It’s even more difficult to craft 15 songs of this style across 58 minutes and preserve quality and interest as there are just too few colours; everything daubed in greys and browns, yet there are several moments TPIY pull it together splattered at intervals throughout the album, ‘My Old Ways’ picking up the middle of the album just when it needed it.

An hour with them is heavy going, and like a heavyweight boxer, they seem to pick and choose the moments to come out fighting, and when to grab and hold, unable to maintain stamina across all 15 rounds. That said, there is a consistency of style and a Chinese water-torture of atmosphere, and TPIY are shaping their own brand of heavy emo-core. Do you know what, sometimes it only takes a few big haymakers to win the fight.





Attila Frontman Launches Photo Sharing App Spur, Upcoming Live Dates

chris fronz fronzak

Attila frontman Chris “Fronz” Fronzak has launched Spur, a brand new photo sharing app that allows photos to be seen by everyone, not just followers. Download it here.

This comes in addition to his Stay Sick clothing line, which retails via Hot Topic and routinely sold out during Attila’s stint on the Summer 2014 Vans Warped Tour.

In related news, Attila has upcoming live dates in the UK and Australia, as well as festival dates in Texas.

Feb 27: Rescue Rooms – Nottingham, UK
Feb 28: Manchester Club Academy – Manchester, UK
Mar 01: Cathouse – Glasgow, UK
Mar 02: Think Tank – Newcastle, UK
Mar 03: UNI – Leeds, UK
Mar 04: Asylum – Birmingham, UK
Mar 05: Talking Heads – Southampton, UK
Mar 06: Electric Ballroom – London, UK
Mar 07: Fleece – Bristol, UK
Mar 20: Las Palmas Race Park – Mission, TX
Mar 21: South By So What?! Music Festival – Grand Prairie, TX
Apr 08: The Brightside – Brisbane, AUS
Apr 09: The Labyrinth – Brisbane, AUS
Apr 10: Cambridge Hotel – Newcastle, AUS
Apr 11: Bald Faced Stag – Sydney, AUS
Apr 12: Bald Faced Stag – Sydney, AUS
Apr 14: Magpies – Canberra, AUS
Apr 15: Arrow On Swanston – Melbourne, AUS
Apr 16: Corner Hotel – Melbourne, AUS
Apr 17: Fowlers Live – Adelaide, AUS
Apr 18: Amplifier Bar – Perth, AUS
Apr 19: YMCA HQ – Perth, AUS
Apr 20: Hawaiian Brians Showroom – Honolulu, HI

attila guilty pleasures uk aus dates