A post on the personal page of Nate Hall has fans of essential psychedelic metal band U.S. Christmas foaming at the mouth. Hall teased the partial artwork of a new release called Prayer Meeting. He also tagged Hypershape Records in the post. We have shared their Bandcamp link below, which has some of Hall’s excellent solo work. Normally we don’t fall to speculation on this website, but when we are talking about a band this important and loved, we follow it closely. Combining elements of Americana, folk, blues, doom, stoner rock, heavy psych, and more, USX, as they were also known, was one of the best bands ever to grace the Neurot Records label. The band has been inactive since the end of the tour cycle for epic 2011 LP The Valley Path ended. It would be amazing to have this band back in any form, so keep your eyes and ears peeled for more news as it happens.Continue reading →