Monster Truck – Sittin’ Heavy

Monster-Truck-Sittin-Heavy album cover 2016 ghostcultmag

Hailing from Hamilton, Ontario, Monster Truck returns with Sittin’ Heavy out on Mascot Records and give me my first taste of the band as a whole.

The band continues the rock and roll tradition of telling everyone who gets in their way to suck it with ‘Don’t Tell Me how To Live’. This track an anthem for anyone who has ever had their passion and very reason for being questioned by other parties that just don’t get it. As someone who is constantly uttering these same words, this is a song that I can behind.

‘She’s a Witch’ is great. It’s a groovy warning regarding the fairer sex and a lover mistreated. It’s a nice change from your typical, depressing break up song. The song gets a bit repetitive with the constant chanting of the chorus but is still enjoyable. We all have a little demon in our souls, some just have more than others.

‘For the People’ is cheesier than I would have liked. It’s a cookie cutter rock “anthem” that just doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere and thus feels disingenuous. We already took care of the rock call to power with the opening track, ‘Why Are You Not Rocking’, this album could have survived without a second one just fine.

We’re treated to a welcome change of pace with ‘Black Forest’ and, honestly, I wish the rest of album sounded more like this. Groovy, a little slower, with more depth to it than just trying to flex their “rock muscles” for lack of a better term. This mellow sound just seems to come more naturally to the band and makes it my favorite track on the album.

A mostly typical modern rock album, Sittin’ Heavy has its fuzzy moments that makes those instances stand out above the rest of the record. I’m sure their sound will continue to improve and they keep refining it.



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Enochian Theory – Life…And All It Entails

Enochian-Theory-LifeWell, the album title may be a bit naff but it’s that kind of ambitious, self-indulgent pretentiousness that such a title connotes that makes Enochian Theory’s latest album a compelling listen. As with their previous releases, Encohian Theory’s success lies in their confident approach to exploration and creation of music that gives little authority to the bounds of genre or style. Always multi-faceted and multi-layered, the song structures are of elaborate design and intricately intertwined lines whose nuances are as refined as each track is moving. An intelligent and emotive album, Enochian Theory, with their lush orchestration, a broad palette of synth sounds, and a curious fragility permeating the ornate compositions, have proved themselves, again, masters of finesse. With the tempos barely shifting into the high gears, Enochian Theory’s dynamic control comes to the fore with the intensity levels instead being utilised to convey the band’s musical and conceptual diversity.Continue reading