Castle Rat began in the days of old. In the midst of a plague-ridden world, four magical characters came together under inimitable circumstances to rise against the evil Rat Reaperess, who is Death incarnate. Castle Rat is led by the Rat Queen, who was anointed her powers after aiding the beast known as the Castle Rat.Continue reading
Tag Archives: King Volume Records
Castle Rat Book North American Tour with Green Lung
New York City’s Castle Rat have announced a North American tour with UK stoner rockers, Green Lung, beginning September 13th, 2024 in Baltimore, MD. Castle Rat will be performing songs from the bands most recent full length album, Into The Realm, which was released in April of 2024 via King Volume Records. Find the live listings below.
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Castle Rat Releases Their Debut Album “Into The Realm”
New York’s Medieval Fantasy Doom Metal Band Castle Rat has released their debut album Into The Realm, out now on King Volume Records. The rising band has been gaining steam for a few years now with their uncompromising music, deft fantasy story-telling, and great shows! Watch their recent video for below and buy and stream the album now!Continue reading
Deathchant – Deathchant
From the fuzzy guitars and the distorted, feedback-esque noises of ‘Pessimist’ you know what you are going to get from Deathchant. This Los Angeles based four-piece have just released their self-titled debut album (King Volume Records) and it does indeed deal in Psychedelic Rock with a heavy Stoner vibe, supplemented by the occasional flirtation with Metal – not too dissimilar from North Carolina’s ASG.Continue reading