Doyle – The Dead XIII – Ward XVI: Live At The Asylum 2, Birmingham

Thanks to the seemingly eternal roadworks in the middle of Birmingham city centre, I managed to miss opening act Deadfilmstar, but luckily arrived just in time for costumed Northern nutters, Ward XVI. Armed with chainsaws, plastic handguns, and bloody knives, the preposterous Prestoners enjoy cutting each other’s throats, eviscerating dead bodies, and enjoying a refreshingly cold glass of blood. For those who witnessed their memorable early morning show at Bloodstock Open Air last year, the Alice Cooper style theatrics will have come as no surprise, but to an unsuspecting Brummie audience expecting some three-minute explosions of shouty horror punk, the avant-garde insanity took a little time to settle in. However, when it did, the crowd visibly loosened up and really started enjoying themselves, some even going so far as joining big-haired female vocalist Psychoberrie in a little Cossack dancing “Circus Pit”. Although the much smaller venue meant their performance wasn’t as instant or explosive as their tent-filling triumph at Bloodstock, Ward XVI were still the band (main act aside) most people seemed to be talking about at the end of the night.Continue reading

Dave Lombardo Named To Drum For The Reunited Misfits Lineup At Riot Fest Next Month

Dave Lombardo

Dave Lombardo. Photo credit Echoes In The Well


Metal legend Dave Lombardo has been tapped to play drums with the reunited lineup of The Misfits Next month at Riot Fest in Chicago and Denver. The current Misfits band includes founders Glenn Danzig, Jerrry Only, and Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein.

Lomardo commented on the occasion:

The Misfits created the horror punk attitude and had a massive influence on modern rock, punk and metal,” Lombardo says. “It was an easy decision for me to join them for these monumental shows. I was honored to be asked, and am very excited to be playing with the band.”

Danzig also commented:

I first met Dave back in 1988 when Danzig did four shows with Slayer in the U.S. before the first Danzig album was released. Dave is one of the best drummers around, and I can’t wait for everyone to see him pounding Misfits songs live for these special shows.”

Jerry Only commented as well:

Lombardo is “a master at what he does. With the immensity of the two shows we’re planning together, the biggest decision we had was who is going to keep time and power this monster machine on drums? When Dave Lombardo’s name was thrown into the ring, Glenn and I were immediately on the same page from the very start; a good sign of things to come. I think the darker side of punk we created with the Misfits spawned the growth and evolution of punk into thrash, and sired bands like Metallica and Slayer, just as we inspired countless others in the punk revolution.”

In addition to his time with Slayer, Testament, Grip Inc, Fantômas and Philm, Lombardo has recently formed and recorded his debut with post-hardcore band Dead Cross band, and will also play on the forthcoming album from Suicidal Tendencies.

Riot Fest Denver takes place next weekend, September 2-4th and the Chicago edition will take place on the weekend of September .16th – 18th

Riot Fest Dencver And Chicago