Pulchra Morte (Skeletonwitch, Wolvhammer, Eulogy) Shares New Song, Signs with Transcending Records 

Midwestern underground Death/Doom supergroup Pulchra Morte features members of Skeletonwitch, Wolvhammer, Eulogy, Abigail Williams, Harkonin, Leagues Below, and more. The band has signed a record deal with Chicago’s Transcending Records and will release a new album this fall. The band released a new track, “Knife Of The Will” via Decibel Magazine earlier this year. The tune served as a taste of the sounds to come.Continue reading


Midwest kvlt extreme metal band Pulchra Morte, featuring current and former members of Wolvhammer, Eulogy, Harkonin, Withered, and more will unleash their Divina Autem Et Aniles debut via Ceremonial Records. The death-doom band are streaming their new album in full right now, so get all over that in a few minutes. In the meantime, the guys in the band joined the ranks of many who have joined our popular Fave Concert Memory series. In a rare move, we have a story from each member of Pulchra Morte! Hails! Continue reading