Týr – Hel

Never have I listened to a band that made me want to learn about more about mythology, the band’s country of origin, their heritage, and their language all in one sitting. If you’re a Týr fan, you’ve most certainly been down this rabbit hole every album cycle – I can’t count how many times I’ve spent my spare time doing endless Google searches learning about mythology and Vikings as well as reading and reciting Faroese lyrics while getting lost in the beauty of their music; it’s like getting high without doing drugs.Continue reading

Hamferð – Támsins likam

Hamferð’s slavish devotion to pristine technique and execution on Támsins likam (Metal Blade) becomes abundantly clear merely minutes into it. It’s got the type of laser-focus that may not be feasible for other metal musicians. It’s so well-formed and thought through that it could slightly border on predictable for some listeners. And it’s all well and good to feel that way, but this reviewer enjoys a good Doom Metal album that’s been properly mapped out and won’t run way passed its welcome.Continue reading