Chthonic – Battlefields Of Asura

In their time away from the music scene, life has been busy for Taiwanese act Chthonic. Five years have passed since their last studio album Bú-Tik (Spinefarm), and family has played a large part, most notably with married couple, bassist Doris Yeh and vocalist Freddy Lim, having a baby last year. Having also taken up politics, Lim swapped his stage make-up and black leather for a nice clean suit and tie, his progressive New Power Party, formed in 2015, becoming elected into the Taiwanese Parliament in January this year.Continue reading

Chthonic Stream Acoustic Cover Of Their New Single “Millenia’s Faith Undone” (Aeon’s Wraith Version)

Chthonic will see the release of their new album Battlefields of Asura, worldwide on October 10, 2018, via Century Media Records. Having released their first single ‘Millennia’s Faith Undone’, featuring activist and singer Denise Ho, they now have released an unplugged video version. Check out ‘Millenia’s Faith Undone’ (Aeon’s Wraith Version) right now!Continue reading

A Touch Of History – An Interview With Chthonic

Chthonic 1With debut album Takasago Army Tawainese metal outfit Chthonic really found their stride and it raised their profile considerbly in both Europe and North America; gearing up for the release of Bu-Tik the band is poised for even greater things. Ghost Cult caught up with bassist Doris Yeh to see what’s going on in the Chthonic world.Continue reading

Chthonic – Bú-Tik

Chthonic-Bu-Tik_400x400When I was a kid, it seemed like everything I owned was made in Taiwan — toys, clothes, electronics… you name it. And it seems odd that China has, for now, ostensibly superseded Taiwan, since both countries use “China” in their name, and things have gotten mixed up a few times during the 20th century. Chthonic, on the other hand, are not mixed up. They refuse to forget their homeland’s bloody past, utilizing horrific incidents during mankind’s currently-monikered “Century of Warfare” as source material. Couple that with their amazing humanitarian work, and you have a band who walks as well as they talk.Continue reading