Enslaved Begin Recording New Album, Due Out In Late 2017


Progressive black metal legends Enslaved have entered the studio in their home of Norway to begin writing album #14! They have entered Duper & Solslottet Studios in Bergen and plan to work throughout April. The album will then be mixed and mastered by Jens Bogren at Fascination Street Studios. Artwork for the album will be once again created by renowned designer and painter Truls Espedal (In Times, RIITR). More details below: Continue reading

New York By Norse Featuring Enslaved: Various Venues, New York

Enslaved, by Jonathan Arevalo Photography

Ragnarok is not a story about the end of the world. It is about nature. It is about the end of something and the beginning of others. A rebirth.”Continue reading

Keyboardist And Vocalist Herbrand Larsen Quits Enslaved

Herbrand LArsen with Enslaved, by Jonathan Arevalo Photography

On the heels of a spectacular weekend in New York last week at the By Norse sponsored New York By Norse Enslaved 25th Anniversary weekend, Keyboardist And vocalist Herbrand Larsen has announced his departure after 12 years.Continue reading