BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Massive Action

So the real secret to growth in the music industry is relatively simple. It doesn’t involve any sort of special chicanery. It doesn’t even require you to be some sort of super genius, Lord only knows that I’m not one. What it relies on is the continued application of effort over time.Continue reading

BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Social Media Advertising Basics

This is the big one, the thing that if you understand can really move the needle for your ads and get you records selling. Understanding how to create effective creative, that is to say, images or videos for your marketing is essential if you are trying to close sales and run an ad that actually works. Continue reading

BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Ad Creative And You

This is the big one, the thing that if you understand can really move the needle for your ads and get you records selling. Understanding how to create effective creative, that is to say, images or videos for your marketing is essential if you are trying to close sales and run an ad that actually works. Continue reading

BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Advertising Mindset

If you generate ads optimized for your audience more people will see it and engage. That much seems self-evident right? You have to remember – people only care about themselves, they don’t give a shit about you. They consume what they want to consume, not what you want them to consume. Therefore you need to be creating content that benefits them, not the content that benefits you. What this means is that the focus is going to need to be on the quality of the ads that you are putting out. I wanted to take a minute to talk to you about some core mindset things about ads you should understand if you want to dive into this world.

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon’s 3 Ways To Create Content During The Coronavirus

As we delve even further into this quarantine and lack of live music I think it’s important to keep thinking about the types of content that we can create. The types of content that are going to work and allow us to keep growing. Today I wanted to get into how to keep having content coming through the storm of quarantine. Content people WANT to engage with. Continue reading

BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on 3 Ways to Create Content During COVID-19

One of the questions I get the most lately is How do I create content when my band can’t rehearse or do much of anything?” And this is a great, really important question. In the age of coronavirus, content creation is harder than it has been ever before for many.

However, there are a few key forms of content you can be used to grow. These include shoutouts, recycling old content, and of course memes. I want to go over all these in order to help you post more aggressively today!Continue reading

BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon’s 3 Reasons You Need to Be on Twitter

What if there was a social media site that didn’t make you worry as much about formatting, that let you talk to your heroes directly and which let you post as much as you want whenever you want? What if I told you this same site has a user base that is particularly united just because they are on that social media platform? You’d think that was too good to be true right?

Well, it’s not – because that’s what Twitter is. When it comes down to it, Twitter is an incredibly valuable tool for bands, but admittedly, one that needed time to win me over. The thing is you need to be on Twitter with your band because it’s the world’s group chat, it allows you to test content and it removes barriers! Let’s break that down.

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on The “Dream 100” and You

When I write these articles I like to reflect on stuff that I am currently using for promoting my own music marketing business. It’s a healthy way for me to think through some of what I’m facing. Which is why today I want to dig into your bands “Dream 100”. Continue reading

BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Learning Social Media Advertising

So a lot of people are trying to learn new skills during the quarantine. This is obviously important since we all have a little more free time and figuring out a way forward is going to be important for anyone trying to meaningfully grow as we make our way through this. Well, I wanted to talk about why the new skill you should be learning is Facebook and Instagram ads.

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on How Bands Should Prepare for the Coronavirus Rollback

Here’s a little something to consider – the slow roll back that we are going to see around the world in the next few weeks. It seems that a lot of countries are going to start easing up restrictions, at least for smaller gatherings starting in May. This is great because I think a lot of us are really frustrated being cooped up at home. But don’t think that things are going to be returning to normal. I don’t know if we are going to be having shows for a little while – but there are some things you should be planning as we gear up for the rollback. Continue reading