BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on How Bands Should Prepare for the Coronavirus Rollback

Here’s a little something to consider – the slow roll back that we are going to see around the world in the next few weeks. It seems that a lot of countries are going to start easing up restrictions, at least for smaller gatherings starting in May. This is great because I think a lot of us are really frustrated being cooped up at home. But don’t think that things are going to be returning to normal. I don’t know if we are going to be having shows for a little while – but there are some things you should be planning as we gear up for the rollback.


These include things like rehearsal, in-person networking and of course recording. If you focus on those things I think we’re going to start seeing some very real growth. I want to talk about how to start preparing for those things now in order to dominate! Of course – as we do any of these things – stay safe out there. It’s a scary time in the world and I don’t want any of you dear readers getting sick.

3. How To Prep For Rehearsals

I don’t want to give musician advice here, but rather branding advice. I think that once your band gets back together you will be more keenly able to produce meaningful content than ever before. What I would recommend bands do today is buy a GoPro or similar to record your practices.

The thing is that you probably haven’t been able to have band practice or properly set up a live stream situation. That’s fine – quarantine is important. That being said – now that things are starting to be gradual lifted make sure that you have all the gear you need in place to dominate. Buy it now and learn how to use it – the content you can create in rehearsal will be key to maintaining your band as we get through this thing.

2. Why In-Person Networking Will Be Easier Than Ever!

This might sound counter-intuitive. Aren’t we all supposed to be avoiding each other? Yes and with good reason. But the thing is – once restaurants start to come back, which it appears they will some time over the summer, people are going to want to go. A lot of folks will jump at any excuse.

What this means for you is that that guy you were hoping to connect with but ever could before? Well, he wants to get out too. So why not start connecting with him on socials now so that when things start to return asking them out to lunch isn’t as much of an issue. People are going to want to go out more, be there as a hang option when the time comes.

1. It’s Time To Record!

I’ve been speaking to a lot of managers who view this as the time to record. Even if you dropped a record already in 2020 – producers are going to be hungry for work and are going to be taking on a lot of clients probably at a cheaper rate than usual. Guess what – you can be there and start making music right away.

This will give you a head start. You don’t need to release your music right away – instead you can have some good tunes in the hopper for whenever you feel the moment is right for your band. Hell using this time to learn more about self-producing would be super valuable too. It’s just about taking advantage of the situation to produce some relevant recorded content so you can give your fans all they want and more when the time comes to hit the road again.

Concluding thoughts:

Basically – start thinking about the things that your band can do when the rollback hits. Things that involve gatherings of under 10 people ad start preparing for them. Buy the gear you will need and learn how to move forward with it. Study the bands who seem to be making the most noise right now and get ready to attack.

This is how we make the best of quarantine. Just keep pushing – I have every confidence you will make it through.



Read Matt’s other Bacon Bloody Bacon blogs here:

Matt Bacon is a consultant, A&R man, and journalist specializing in the world of heavy metal. Having worked with everyone from Rock and Roll Hall of Hame and Glam Rock icon Phil Collen of Def Leppard, to post Black Metal titans Alcest, as well as legendary thrashers Exhorder.

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