It has been 20 years since Corrosion of Conformity’s Deliverance and Pride and Glory’s self-titled established the first real successful integration of the sounds and styles of mainstream Southern American music and metal. New Southern (Nuclear Blast), the first offering from Oklahoman Young Guns Anti-Mortem, takes its roots in the guitar heavy Southern leanings of both, while also calling to mind Alter Bridge, SOiL, Shinedown at their heavier moments, NOLA era Down and Black Stone Cherry (before they started blaming everything on the Boom Boom).
If the lyrics are at times juvenile (‘I Get Along With The Devil’ and its multiple motherfuckers) Anti-Mortem (average age of 21) can be forgiven youthful exuberance. If at times they sway into stock Southern Metal territory, they can also be forgiven for allowing themselves to be over-polished by a big album producer, Bob Marlette (Shinedown, Seether) and playing it safe on their first album. To their credit, the metal edge shines through, and Anti-Mortem avoid any temptations for hokey acoustic campfire radio-friendly unit shifters, keeping the guitars to the fore all through the 12 tracks that make up their debut.
‘Words of Wisdom’ is an opening statement of intent, big guitars leading the way before impressive vocalist Lorado Romo takes over. In an era when great rock singers are a conspicuous by their absence, this kid has the pipes and personality to propel the band to great heights, and a couple of songs later with ‘100% Pure American Rage’ and ‘Hate Automatic’ Anti-Mortem really hit their groove, all sizzling riffs and powerful choruses. Other highlights include the rocking ‘Ride Of Your Life’ with a down-tuned stomp kick start that picks up pace, lead-off single ‘Stagnant Water’, a heavier, dirtier Black Stone Cherry, and personal favourite the Down meets Lynyrd Skynyrd ‘Jonesboro’, that tells the story of guitarist Zain Smith’s old man blustering his way out of trouble while hitch-hiking back to Oklahoma from Arkansas.
New Southern doesn’t redefine metal, but it could go a long way to setting Anti-Mortem, safely under the wing of kingmaker Monte Connor, on the path to great things. Promising.
7 / 10
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