When The Stars Align – An Interview With Strangers By Starlight

Strangers By StarlightStrangers By Starlight is the avant-garde pairing of Anthony Saggers (Stray Ghost) and Eugine S. Robinson (Oxbow). Two unique musicians who, in a testament to the global nature of the modern world, have overcome geographical boundaries to create a truly unique album. A combination of dark jazz, ambient electroniscs, distinctive vocals and noir lyrics is what makes Chalk White Nights (Bad Paintings) such a stunning listening experience. Sean M. Palfrey caught up with Saggers and Robinson to discuss the ins and outs of this musical collaboration.Continue reading

Master Musicians Of Bukkake – Far West

master-musicians-of-bukkake-far-west-album-artFrom the savage burst of noise that opens ‘White Mountain’, slowly draining down into a constant drum beat and gradual instrumentation, to the twinkling, fairy light synths that close ‘Circular Ruins’ this group of Seattle experimentalists do their utmost to confuse, delight and assault the listener with their latest album.Continue reading

Stranger By Starlight – Chalk White Nights

Stranger_By_Starlight_1371208624_crop_550x498The coming together of the front-man of experimental rockers Oxbow and the multi-instrumentalist behind Stray Ghost can only set the saliva glands of fans of unique and adventurous music into overdrive. The unique voice of Eugene S. Robinson and the unbridled skill of Anthony Saggers seems like a moribund match made in heaven.Continue reading

TesseracT – Altered State

TessarctSince debut album One was released to much critical acclaim prog metal pioneers TesseracT have been dogged with the departure of not one but two lead vocalists. While such adversity would have broken manly lesser acts, the Milton Keynes act picked themselves up and following the departure of American singer Elliot Coleman came across young Brighton based frontman Ashe O’Hara.Continue reading

Dark Buddha Rising – Dakhmandal

Dark-Buddha-Rising-Dakhmandal-artworkThe fifth studio album from Finnish drone trio Dark Buddha Rising is intense, psychedelic and laden with doom. You won’t listen to this record as much as you will experience it; it’s a challenging voyage to set sail on, but is richly rewarding for those willing to commit from start to finish.Continue reading

Jerusalem In My Heart – Mo7it Al-Mo7it

Jerusalem In My Heart album coverMo7it Al-Mo7it from Jerusalem In My Heart is a surprising and very enjoyable experience. Led by Montreal-based Radwan Ghazi Moumneh the album fuses contemporary electronics with traditional Arabic music. And despite being in existence for eight years now, the core trio are only now committing their work to an album format having preferred highly artistic public performances for the majority of their existence.Continue reading

Ensemble Pearl – Ensemble Pearl

Ensemble Pearl - Ensemble PearlImmediately Ensemble Pearl‘s self-titled debut has a lot to live up to. A project consisting of luminaries such as Stephen O’Malley (Sunn 0)))), Atsuo (Boris), Michio Kurihara (Ghost) and Bill Herzog (Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter) is going to inspire not only an instantaneous following from fans of avant-garde metal, but also very high expectations. Thankfully though the collective skill and musicianship on display here means that Ensemble Pearl doesn’t disappoint, though it may come as a big shock to some.Continue reading

Wardruna – Yggdrasil

Wardruna - YggdrasilWardruna, despite having released only two albums, enjoy esteem within the world of folk music for their use of traditional, handmade instruments and themes of Norse spirituality. Yggdrasil is the second instalment of their rune triology Runaljod. The album picks up where first record Gap Var Ginunnga left off, exploring the individual runes of the elder futhark.Continue reading