Dumb and Dumbest Episode # 497: Kariti on Darkthrone, Social Media and More!

Matt and Curtis welcome in entrancing artist Kariti, whose new album just dropped via Aural Music. She and Matt shared their love of Fenriz, Black Metal and Death Metal, Twitter, and more! Dumb and Dumbest #497 is live and it’s an interview with Kariti on Darkthrone, Social Media and More! The podcast is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), and Social Media expert and Ghost Cult Owner, Keith Chachkes (BDWE Media).

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #496: Stryper’s Michael Sweet On Social Media, Politics and WAP

Matt and Curtis were honored to chat with Heavy Metal legend Michael Sweet of Stryper, about a plethora of topics, including social media, reputation management, getting namechecked by Blabbermouth.net, Anthrax, politics, and THAT song W.A.P. by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion. Dumb and Dumbest #496 is live and it’s an interview with Stryper’s Michael Sweet On Social Media, Politics and WAP! The podcast is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), and Social Media expert and Ghost Cult Owner, Keith Chachkes (BDWE Media).

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Dumb and Dumbest Episode #495: Bradley Zorgdrager on Productivity, Ads And More!

Matt and Curtis welcome back in Brad Zordrager of Banger TV and Exclaim.ca his secret to staying on task, and few other gems.Dumb and Dumbest #495 is live and it’s with Bradley Zorgdrager On Productivity, Ads And More!The podcast is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), Music Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), and Social Media expert and Ghost Cult Owner, Keith Chachkes (BDWE Media).

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