CONCERT REVIEW: Goatwhore – Thantifaxath – Vitriol Live at 1720  

Los Angeles has various places for hosting shows, whether it’s big or in the unexpected areas, which is where 1720 is located not far from Skid Row. A warehouse where it’s spacious and always has hosted mixture of artists, and bands, and its environment of fans is very welcoming.

As The Venemous Evocation Tour makes a stop at 1720, there was no way I can miss a show with amazing and talented bands. Thantifaxath who is supporting the tour for the beginning of the tour, a trio band with cloaks take up the stage, playing up close to the fans. Being awwed by their unknown faces, and their black heavy metal that has plenty of guitar riffs with experimental, slamming beat of the drums that has your heart racing, feel of the bass flowing through the speakers. Their set consisting mostly of red lights, makes it perfect for them, as if being part of a ritual. 

Next up Vitriol from Oregon, on tour in support of their latest album Suffer and Become, a trio band that has heavy angry energy as they perform, with unstoppable force to play death metal. The trio consists of Kyle on guitars and vocals with impeccable guitar solos, Matt on drums beating heavily, and lastly Adam on bass and vocals, whom I get caught off guard with him at times slamming on his bass while performing to get those aggressive notes. (Editor’s note: co-founder Adam quit the band mid-way through this tour.) In the middle of their set, as they perform “Survivals Careening Inertia” a slower-paced intro with a rhythmic guitar solo, as their instrumental song of the album. 

Lastly, whom fans have been waiting for, from New Orleans, who’s been around for over 25 years, Goatwhore. A band that says it all in their name, metal with nonstop energy from the band, as they open up their set with “The Bestowal of Abomination.” Ben, the vocalist, can often be seen headbanging with his long hair, and air guitaring along their set. Fans start putting their hands onto the air, as Ben high-fives and fist-pumps fans throughout the show, which shows appreciation. As they continue to perform tracks from their last album Angels Hung from the Arches of Heaven (Metal Blade Records), they don’t forget to play some of their older songs. Sammy on guitars and background vocals, jamming and riffing through plenty of solos throughout the set. The tight and fast speed of the drums can be heard and felt by Zack, and Robert on bass whose flexibility can be envious. As the end of their song “And I Was Delivered From the Wound of Perdition” played, fans chanting “All Life Is Lost” and kept wanting more songs from the band. As they end their set with “FBS (Fucked By Satan),” fans start to let out their energy to the song. Fans start screaming “one more song” and surprisingly give the fans what they want, with their encore of “When Steel and Bone Meet,” as fans let out their energy in the pit one last time. 

The show was beyond exceptional, seeing amazing talented bands, especially being on a Sunday, feels like having gone to mass.

As the show ended, bodies sweating, fans can be seen meeting and taking pictures with Goatwhore. Vitriol have also been hanging out in their merch table through the show, and finally get to see and meet the mysterious trio hidden behind the cloaks of Thantifaxath, all showing appreciation and gratitude towards their newly made fans. 


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