CONCERT REVIEW: Avatar – Orbit Culture – The Native Howl Live at The Intersection

The streets of Grand Rapids were buzzing with Friday night festivities when a long line started to form outside one of the city’s favorite music venues. The lengthy queue of matching black hoodies at the Intersection moved along nicely so that the early arrivals were able to catch the opening act. Everyone was in a jovial mood and heartily cheered because the Swedish metallers, Avatar had brought their Chimp Mosh Pit Tour to town. With support from fellow countrymen, Orbit Culture and Michigan’s own The Native Howl. The bill contained varied acts with each one delightfully heavy in their own way which made for a thrilling evening ahead.  

Native Howl jumped into their set with an unabashed severity and immediately let their folk roots shine. The growing crowd all shifted forward in the large room intrigued by the heaviness produced from an acoustic guitar and banjo. These guys manufactured the term “Thrash Grass” which perfectly defines the speedy, rustic, and vibrantly massive sound they perpetuate.  A highlight from their set was the fiery piece, ‘Harvester of Constant Sorrow’. They mashed up Metallica’s ‘Harvester of Sorrow’ and the Bluegrass classic, ‘Man of Constant Sorrow’ to spew out a wildly intricate and glaringly gorgeous rendition of both songs. Though some may be puzzled why this band made it on Avatar’s “go ape shit” tour, these Michigan made musicians held their own and put on a shipshape show. 


The lights dimmed and the fog machine belched out batches of haze that turned the hootenanny session into something much more deliciously grim. Orbit Culture cracked into their set with the hard-hitting piece, ‘North Star of Nija’. These Modern Metal darlings hook you in with their deep-seated riffs and textured chaos. Their recently released fourth full-length, Descent (Seek & Strike Records) is making waves in the scene and hearing the new numbers from the acclaimed album was a treat. The circle pit opened up and everyone got rambunctious on their new hits like ‘From the Inside’ and ‘Alienated’. The forceful, yet poignant playing compelled the crowd to happily headbang along. The keen, unadulterated vocals from frontman Niklas Karlsson is next to none. His range of attractive cleans to fierce growls hits home the assorted emotions in the songs. The bottom end paired well with their synth use and the guitars crunched with anger making their overall sound dynamically extreme. Their aptitude of groove felt primal and their self-assured demeanor was like a canine baring their teeth. This is the band’s third run in the USA in just one year. Their energy was contagious and their hunger to be heavy was obvious. These rising metal stars are an act to keep your eye on. 

The large music hall’s temperature rose dramatically by the time the headliners took the stage. Sweat soaked fans ruptured with joy as Avatar burst into the title track of their latest album, Dance Devil Dance (Black Waltz Records). The circus had come to town and the over the top thematics of the inventive sound and performance from these Swedes captured everyone present. Frontman Johannes Eckerström seized attention with his charismatic and flamboyant movement. He popped around the stage with a cartoon-like swagger which made it hard to take your eyes off him. The room shook with the cohesive and thunderous tones from guitarists Jonas Jarisy and Tim Öhrström. Their Gothenburg roots peek through on some of their favorites like ‘Valley of Disease’,  ‘Bloody Angel’, and ‘Do You Feel in Control’. Their playful and profound mixture of genres is special to experience live. Their extreme is expertly executed with rigid riffs, groove, and delightful drumwork. Yet their more kooky and exploratory pieces like ‘Tower’, ‘Colossus’, and ‘Smells Like a Freakshow’ are just as intense as the heavier numbers. With a dash of Goth and razzle dazzle mixed in with the metal is refreshing. 

Each member’s eyes gleamed bright through their heavy eyeliner as they expressively conveyed their art. They have an entertainment factor that is top tier because you can tell it comes from an honest place. There is silliness in their avant-garde ways while still being thoughtful and heartfelt. That was especially exhibited when they paused the show in the middle of their set. Eckerström announced that a fan had been injured and that they wanted to make sure he was okay before they continued. The room roared with approval at such a class act move. All rejoiced when all  received the thumbs up from the fan and the beloved quintet was able to continue. Everything from comically inclined drum solos to serenation on a grand piano happened. The show was a solid two hours and the energy remained unabated from beginning to end. The conviction each member carried in their performance was evident. Their prowess of bold tones, strikingly theatrical aesthetics, and the dramatic storytelling was remarkable. They are both the cotton candy and the tiger tricks at the carnival. The evening came to a close after a three song encore. Fans slicked away sweat from their faces as they vehemently cheered for one of the most entertaining live acts out there.


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