ALBUM REVIEW: The Gaslight Anthem – History Books


Almost a decade has passed since The Gaslight Anthem sadly went on their indefinite hiatus as a band with Brian Fallon discovering a new side to his music under his solo project. Finally though, after all this time, the band are finally reunited with a brand new set of music to bring into what looks like a very busy 2024 for the act. For so many bands reuniting over the years, fanbases have become apprehensive on whether to expect a quick cash-grab or if the bands are back for real. 


Nine years on since The Gaslight Anthem last released music, bated breaths await History Books (Rich Mahogany Recordings) to see which aforementioned category the band now fit into.


The Gaslight Anthem were never gonna let that question linger around, by the moment the first chord rings out in their familiar rock sound for “Spider Bites”, minds are instantly put to rest as the nostalgic sound of The Gaslight Anthem calls back out – the sound of a southern rock riff, accompanied by Fallon’s slightly rugged but soothing voice. There’s a feeling that comes with all of The Gaslight Anthem’s music that isn’t present in the majority of other bands’ discographies. That old-timey nods in the tone of the guitar, the focus on storytelling, just gives their music that feeling of being home, nostalgic for a time you can’t even remember. The band has not lost that presence in their music one bit. 


It would be a crime to talk about the album without mentioning the title track. A song in the making since 2021 when Fallon met with the legendary Bruce Springsteen and set history in motion. You can truly hear the band’s love for Springsteen’s music illustrated in this track, with Springsteen himself, on the track, his voice perfectly accompanying Fallon’s as they croon together. Fans who’ve been with the band for a while can see what a big deal it is to have this feature on a song after so long, and the pay off is tremendous, full of emotionally charged energy. This’ll be one to see at the Summer festivals, full crowds dancing away to the beauty that has just been created.



The Gaslight Anthem’s core focus has always been about the storytelling nature of their music, conjuring up this atmosphere of a small pub or inn where a local storyteller tells tales to guests clinging onto every word. The song “The Weatherman” is a clear example of their prowess, the story of two lovers struggling to read each other. Where most bands’ have exemplary abilities to conjure up incredible tales and imagery, few have had the same effect that The Gaslight Anthem are able to accomplish, and that is still true today. Closing on “A Lifetime of Preludes”, a slower song of more sparse instrumentation, it’s barebones at its best, a light rhythm of a guitar, an everso light brush on the symbols as Fallon sings away. It’s one of those that you can just drift away to the harmonies. Where the band started with a kick, the album finishes on a slow fade, leaving the audience waiting once again on bated breaths to see what comes next.


By listening to History Books, there is no way anyone not knowing of the band’s history could tell this is the first release in nearly a decade. The Gaslight Anthem are seamlessly in sync as if Get Lost was only released last year. Their ability to make something emotionally charged hits as true as it ever did, and there’s only one thing that can be ascertained from the album; The Gaslight Anthem are back.


Buy the album here:


8 / 10