ALBUM REVIEW: Rhapsody of Fire – Challenge The Wind

If the quickest way to get from Point A to Point B is a straight line then clearly nobody thought to mention that to Italian Power Metal kings Rhapsody of Fire who to get where they are today obviously took the Enchanted Lands scenic route. This current incarnation of Rhapsody of Fire (version 666.0) might look very different to how it all began but as the fourteenth full-length studio release Challenge The Wind (AFM Records) proves in no uncertain terms, the music and the subject matter remain very much the same. 

Back with more magic and wizards, the only real difference this time is the notable absence of that prerequisite of all Power Metal albums – the ballad. Pumping with energy and speed, and boasting all the usual powerful orchestrations and and choirs, there’s simply no room to slow things down with unnecessary introspection and melancholia. A quiet, moody section here and there? Sure but that’s it. Just get your head down, grab your nearest emerald sword, and dive in. 

One of four tracks already in circulation, the title cut, with its fast-picked notes and classic-sounding chorus literally screams Rhapsody of Fire right from the start. Of the brand new tracks, “Whispers of Doom” sounds like it could have been written years ago at their brightest dawn (of victory…), “The Bloody Pariah” works its magic from a simple beat while the dark majesty of “Vanquished by Shadows” – all sixteen mighty minutes of it – feels more like it should have closed the record.

“Kreel’s Magic Staff” takes the band’s ear for melody and ramps it up to 11 with some sensational orchestration and a chorus not a million miles away from Blind Guardian territory. The latest single “Diamond Claws” showcases Giacomo Voli‘s voice perfectly, allowing him room for power and emotional depth while ‘Black Wizard’ really lets him off the leash as Roberto De Micheli sweep-picks for his life.

“A Brave New Hope” is as uplifting as its title suggests, boasting a strong, pounding rhythm and another huge chorus. “Holy Downfall” follows with another glorious seven minutes of power metal heaven before the insidious crawl and rousing refrain of “Mastered by the Dark” brings the curtain down in suitably epic style.

Expertly produced by founder-member and keys-genius Alex Staropoli and mixed by Seeb Levermann of German power metal act Orden Ogan, Challenge the Wind is the latest tremendously enjoyable chapter in a story replete with battles, swords, and epic tales of victory. 

The Dragonflame most definitely still burns.


Buy the album here:


9 / 10