ALBUM REVIEW: Leila Abdul-Rauf – Calls From a Seething Edge

Leila Abdul-Rauf is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, and singer who has been part of various bands (Vastum, Hammers of Misfortune, Saros, Amber Asylum) since the 1990s. Calls From a Seething Edge (Cyclic Law Music / Syrup Moose Records) is her fifth solo album.

Folk music has a big influence on Calls From a Seething Edge. Melodies evoking various traditional styles are articulated on a variety of acoustic instruments including horns, and bowed and plucked strings, many of which are played by Abdul-Rauf herself. Chant-like and ritualistic layered vocals are also a major feature.


The record is characterised by a textural approach, with myriad instruments and sounds being layered up in contrapuntal fashion. Whilst this is not a heavy record in the metal sense, it is dense and emotionally cathartic. There are also moments, such as on the menacing “Crimes of the Soul”, when driving percussion sounds dominate in a manner that recalls industrial music. At other points, for example on “The Light That Left You”, a drone-like approach is taken, with Abdul-Rauf’s reverb-drenched voice rising and falling over the top of atmospheric soundscapes.


Whilst Calls From a Seething Edge is undeniably dark and doom-laden, it manages to avoid being hopeless or bleak. Indeed, there seems to be an almost primeval life-force running through the songs here. 


The album is undoubtedly epic and huge-sounding, but there is also an intimate feel to the songs; listening to them feels like witnessing Abdul-Rauf engage in a strange and somewhat frightening private ceremony.

The record’s production adds to the album’s magical, otherworldly quality; dreamlike reverbs feature heavily, but every sound also has its own space and clarity.

Calls From a Seething Edge should really be listened to as a whole, but nevertheless, there are some notable highlights such as the gloriously rich darkness of “Summon,” the lush vocal and string harmonies of “Failure to Fire,” and “The Summoned” with its foreboding drones and percussion.


Calls From a Seething Edge is a sonically rich and emotionally hard-hitting listen that will appeal to fans of experimental, ambient, Dark Folk, and drone music.


Buy the album here:


8 / 10
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