The sludge genre is within itself a reputable place for any band to reside especially of the stoner variety. With the likes of High on Fire and Old Man Gloom (R.I.P. Caleb Scofield) pummeling the scene, it’s no surprise that standards are set abnormally high. When one even hears the utterance of sludge, they are guaranteed to come running from the hills just to get a taste of the new blood. And with Kolossor’s début album, Crown of Horns released on Sludgelord Records, new blood has arrived. Hailing from New Jersey, Kolossor has been around for a mere 2 years, having released a self-titled EP in the year prior. But now that they’ve finally dropped their first release, they’ve officially put themselves on the map.
The album starter “Bugbear’s Last Stand”, appeared on their EP and remains a by-the-book banger for all to enjoy especially D&D fans. The band’s musicianship is very sharp from the start with a clean yet dirty song structure. Elements of Doom’n’Roll are sprinkled throughout most tracks, including this one, adding a fiery dynamic to the experience. The next standout track “Wall of Sleep” bathes in a Neurosis-like suspicion and distortion with a sick circular drum riff guaranteed to summon the grim reaper to all who dare to listen. And with “Keeper of Flame”, the best and sludgiest track on the album, enlightening a hopeful soul with it’s muddy riffage and slow chug, one may just make it out alive.
There is an uncanny consistency across Crown of Horns that one may either appreciate or find a bit overdone. The vocal melodies, although amazingly bludgeoning and cavernous, tend to stay the same from track to track. And by arriving at the conclusion of the album, a curiosity in what more can be offered vocally may be sparked. There is also a slight consistency in song structure but it deviates enough to keep one hooked. The surprise conga drum introduced in the track “The Falling Wreckage” is very intriguing but could have benefited from a more isolated spotlight to make the track an absolute gem.
Overall, Crown of Horns is a solid début and does nothing less than excite and build curiosity about Kolossor’s potential to truly dominate the scene.