As soon as it became clear what Kelsy Karter And The Heroines were all about, I knew I was in for a joyride like no other, and I was ready as ever to be completely immersed in it.
The independently released Love Made Me Do It is a bevy of eighties-tinged rebellion, dreamy Alternative Rock and poppy proclivities. Fourteen songs in total, there are blatant standout tracks as well as short-and-sweet machinations which contribute to the vibrancy of the product without losing the main thread.
Interestingly enough, “Are You Entertained?” opens the record with a swirling guitar intro reminiscent of power and panache of the guitar heroes from yester-decade. But this track is centered around a capacious presence created by scintillating vocal cadences and a bombastic keyboard that spurns the second verse into a frenzy.
It’s easy to pick elements from any of the more-than-dozen numbers included that showcase the depth and magnificence of Love Made Me Do It. Expect flashy/synthy Pop Punk, futuristic-inspired instrumentations and extremely favorable use of guitar solos that provide the perfect balance without ever taking over any particular sections.
But let’s talk about “I Get Off.” Immediate fuck-yeah eighties Pop vibes and the cheeky title referring to finishing a shift (at work, you hooligans) grows with downright infectious vocal lines and a SAXOPHONE solo.
And “Hotel Flamingo” is no pushover, either. Synthy and serene vibes blanket the track and the repeated line “she could kill me if she wanted to” provides that indescribable rush of ecstasy you get when listening to a singer who gets it, knows they get it, and is more than happy to share the euphoria with listeners.
The masterful sequencing and the standalone-ability of the songs on Love Made Me Do It mean you can either listen from start to finish or pick and choose, and either way, you’ll be handsomely rewarded.
Buy the album here:
9 / 10
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