ALBUM REVIEW: Job For A Cowboy – Moon Healer

It has been many years, but finally, the return of Job For A Cowboy is upon us!

Once known for a certain EP that helped pioneer an entire genre we call deathcore, JFAC has since evolved greatly and picked up where they left off with their new release, Moon Healer (Metal Blade Records). This journey through a person seeking enlightenment through some pseudo-alchemy edibles is the level of chaos that the death metal world was yearning for.

Jonny Davy’s vocals continue to age like wine as all aspects further improve on another album cycle. Tony Sannicandro and Al Glassman also continue to gel together as a cohesive guitar section that even some power metal bands would be jealous of. It goes without saying, but Nick Schendzielos’ bass mastery is right up there in the production where it belongs, complimenting Tony and Al. The drumming on this record, however, is not a new face as the Glendale boys are joined by the experienced, Navene Koperweis (Fleshwrought, Entheos, ex-Animals As Leaders), and he fits right in without question.

“Beyond The Chemical Doorway” kicks off the album with an intro riff that promises chaos, confusion, and discovery. This theme continues forward until a blistering guitar solo tears through time and space during the bridge.

“Grinding Wheels Of Ophanim” always has me look over to check the song name at the bridge with the slow, grueling build up until it opens back up to the refrain. The two guitar solos that slide in prior to the bridge are short and sweet but serve their purpose.

The very next track, “The Sun Gave Me Ashes So I Sought Out The Moon” really has everything that Job For a Cowboy has to offer. Plenty of guitar riffs backed up by the bass prowess put on display, a short breakdown section, screaming guitar leads and solos, all wrapped together with dynamic drumming that spans all over.

Moon Healer is both a fantastic next step since Sun Eater (Metal Blade Records) and an ambitious comeback album, to say the least. Job For A Cowboy is certainly far away from their deathcore days, but what they have evolved into throughout these years has been worth the journey. Having said that, if you were at any point (or still are) a fan of JFAC, do not sleep on this record. Pop one of those edibles the alchemist in the songs utilizes, and hang on tight.


Buy the album here:

9 / 10