Boris – Dear

Fun fact: the band decided to name themselves after a Melvins song of the same name from the 1991 album Bullhead (Boner). That alone should make you want to see what these guys are all about! So, who are these guys? Boris is a Japanese experimental band who formed in Tokyo in 1992. The band currently consists of Atsuo on the drums, Takeshi on bass and guitar, and Wata on guitar – everyone gets in on the vocals.

Boris’ Dear (Southern Lord) is a whopping 10 tracks born from three whole albums worth of material – so you know it’s something epic, and that it is! However, on occasion, that epicness floods out what could have been extraordinary.

Most of the tracks on the band’s newest album consist of overdrawn intros, at least that’s what I thought. I had thought to myself “dang, this intro is heavy. I bet the rest of the song is going to be killer!” Then, after about five minutes of what I thought was merely an impressive introduction to something even more excellent, the song was finished. Again I say, something that could have been extraordinary was hidden within what was released as merely “epic.” It’s a shame.

I sincerely hope that with this album the band successfully reached their expectations, because they certainly did not reach mine. I will say this though – wicked instrumentals, and great vocals with potential for utter excellence. This album is perfect for playing in the background as you clean your house, drive to work, or really as you do anything other than directly listening to what’s playing.

Basically, it’s easy to enjoy when you’re not focusing on it!
