ALBUM REVIEW: Bleed From Within – Shrine


I think I’ve made my point regarding redundant subgenres within metal quite obvious in past reviews. If you haven’t read those, then what are you waiting for? Go arm yourselves with knowledge. I only bring this up because after a few listens of Bleed From Within’s Shrine (Nuclear Blast) I have no idea exactly where to file them in the grand metal rolodex. And that is actually a good thing. 

And some of you at home or work are pounding at your desk yelling at me that Bleed From Within are clearly metalcore. Then the other side of the room chimes in and says they’re more of a djent thing. And a random loner in the back declares that they used to be deathcore. Well, with regards to Shrine, they’re all correct. Sort of. You see, Bleed From Within are a talented bunch who like to paint with most of the colors of the metal rainbow. 

Take album closer ‘Paradise’ which indulges in some spooky keys in its opening only to make room for power chords and whispered vocals. Then the sung choruses come in for contrast and suggest more of an active rock affair, but the last minute makes another shift but this time to the mosh pit as drummer Ali Richardson loads up on double kicks. And speaking of Richardson he makes a proper presentation of his skills on ‘Flesh And Stone’ which alternates from hammering blast beats and refreshing splashes of Thrash tempos. 

Then you have something like ‘Stand Down’ which has plenty of horsepower and bounces along like Slipknot’s ‘Psychosocial’ but wouldn’t feel out of sorts on a playlist that featured bands like Bad Wolves and Disturbed. If I had to pick a favorite I would have to go with ‘Levitate’ as it follows the From Autumn to Ashes songbook of pummel listener, bring them up with catchy hook, only to pummel them once more. And it’s got a neat solo courtesy of guitarist Craig Gowans to boot.

I don’t know where to put Shrine and I don’t care. 


Buy the album here:

8 / 10