ALBUM REVIEW: Bad Touch – Bittersweet Satisfaction

Rock ‘n Roll quintet Bad Touch, hailing from Norfolk, England, are back with their fifth album, Bittersweet Satisfaction (Marshall Records). This time round they spent half a year making the record, tempering their balls-to-the-wall rock with polished hooks and a healthy portion of soul, the end result being a more rounded, earthy Classic Rock that still has plenty of bite. 

The opening track “Slip Away” showcases this bite; it is a bluesy rocker with a woozy riff, some chunky sounding guitars and hooks to spare. 

The title track has some big AC/DC-like chords that are complemented by the soft, Uriah Heep-esque keys and a fiery solo. “See It To Believe It” is a short but sweet serving of good ol’ fashion rock ‘n roll  that treats you to a foot tapping beat and a light sprinkling of piano before bowing out. 

Fans of The Answer and The Black Crowes are well catered for, the latter especially so in the soulful Southern Rock of “Nothing Wrong With That” – with its reminder to dust off the bad times and grab hold of the good with both hands. 

“Taste This” is a deceptively simple song, with a restrained, bubbling bass line leading up to a lively, earworm of a chorus complete with soulful backing singers. 

“Tonight”, with its chugging verse rhythm, energetic drumming and sumptuous, Black Star Riders’ like harmonies, is another such number. Their softer side comes out on “Come Back Again”, a ballad with an easy going melody and sweetly struck vocals that slots in nicely. 

Bittersweet Satisfaction has a nice ebb and flow to it and “Dizzy for You” ends it on a lighter waving, sing-along note that is bound to go down well live.

The care and attention Bad Touch have poured over their fifth album has yielded fruit, resulting in a finessed sound that mixes blues, soul and Southern Rock elements to their brand of Classic Rock.

Buy the album here:

8 / 10