Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell – Keep It Greasy!

Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell is one of those bands you just have to like – it’s ruckus great fun and Keep It Greasy (Rise Above) is a shit kickin’ fun album. I like it because I can head-bang and two-step to it. The track ‘Tired N Wired’ is this mish-mash of chunky bass driven black metal with thick twangy guitars of southern rock mixed with 1970s epic guitar solos. It makes me want to find a pole, put on my hooker heels, a pair of Daisy Duke’s and just dance my wee heart out. 

There really is nothing to dislike about this band. They are tight and on point. Yes, the music is a bit of a throwback; but that’s the charm. With the track ‘U Got Wot I Need’, I felt strains of Led Zeppelin mixed with ZZ Top. It’s that eclectic and another track that is perfect for driving long open roads or as background music at your next house party.

In contrast, a track like ‘I’m Movin’ is strait up Led Zeppelin inspired. Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell excel at heavy ass guitars and bombastic drumming. Then you have the trippy ‘Hairy Brain pt 2’. It’s a bit indescribable. But, I like it; especially the bass guitars.

They are a refreshing listen as there is nothing pretentious about them. It’s good old fashioned music made the RIGHT way.

Keep It Greasy! is something everyone should listen to in order to refresh their musical palate.
