Back around the release of their 2012 full length debut, The Room Colored Charlatan could have easily just become yet another face in the already crowded carriage that is tech-metal. Showing some solid chops and technical ability, Between Mirrors: The Quantum Immortality fell in to the pit falls of being a little too complex without real flow or songs. Fortunately new album Primitives (Subliminal Groove) sees them set on the right track.
TRRC’s sound cannot be described as wholly original in its influence nor its style but it does show some forward thinking in its execution. Sitting with the heavier side of the tech metal spectrum as djent riffs combine with death metal grooves and barks is not a revolutionary concept, but Primitives offers plenty of melodic layers beneath its chugging surface. It’s this layering that pushes this towards more prog realms than can be said of a lot of their tech peers whilst still maintaining that characteristic crunch.
In comparison to its predecessor, Primitives also shows the band moving forward as song writers. Still bursting with almost mind boggling intricacy with much under the surface it still manages to be a far more accessible effort than their debut, more refined and with hooks to latch on to. It’s still not perfect by any means however; lacking in both originality and anthemic moments; but it is a remarkable step forward for a band that could have become an afterthought for the genre, but instead have shown they could have what it takes to be one of tech metal’s future leading lights.
The Room Colored Charlatan