INTERVIEW: Pat Harrington of Geezer on “Stoned Blues Machine” – and More! 

Kingston New York’s perfect power house trio Geezer returned in 2022 with one of the most rewarding rock releases of the year, Stoned Blues Machine. The band has become arguably the backbone of the small surviving scene of hard rock torch bearers in their Upstate, New York locale and are due mad respect for their latest achievement within the wider underground. Think no nonsense frills, mind-bending solos and huge stoner riffs with equal parts fun groove and heavy execution. That still will not prepare you for the brotherhood of Geezer’s tones, presence or general big feel vibes. If you are a fan of Corrosion of Conformity’’s Deliverance (Columbia) era or classic Fu Manchu stuff, this band is a no brainer for you. If lightning can strike twice and another stoner band ever win besides High On Fire, give these hombres a Grammy

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