ALBUM REVIEW: Whiskey Myers – Tornillo


A circle of discerning music lovers tasked with burying a time capsule to reveal to future generations the state and spirit of US rock in the mid-to-late 1970s would perhaps have included albums like The Last Waltz and Street-Legal, Born To Run, Grievous Angel, Street Survivors, Rust Never Sleeps and Tornillo – if, in fact, the latter had existed back then. Luckily, for us, right here, it exists right now. Continue reading

ALBUM REVIEW: Untamed Land – Like Creatures Seeking Their Own Forms

Just when you thought there were no genres left to combine, up pops Ohio act Untamed Land with Scandinavian riffs and a cowboy hat, delivering an album that sounds like the soundtrack to The Good, The Bad & The Ugly if it had been written by Satyricon

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