Dumb and Dumbest Episode #324: What To Expect from PR

More and more often, bands don’t seem to understand the role and responsibilities of good PR. This may be to the prevalence of bad actors in the scene. Matt and Curtis try to break it down for you!  Dumb and Dumbest Episode #324 is streaming now and it’s all about What To Expect from PR! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions), Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR) and Keith Chachkes (Ghost Cult/BDWE Media). In addition to the podcast, Matt, Curtis, and Keith all host The Music Marketing Challenges: low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. Get hands-on practical experience to market your band like a pro today! DM Matt or Curtis at the links below for detailsContinue reading

Dumb and Dumbest Episode #323: Finn McKenty of Punk Rock MBA Talks DIY!

Finn McKenty of The Punk Rock MBA has impressed us for years and years, first by building a community on Facebook, and more recently with his YouTube Channel and his new podcast! Dumb and Dumbest Episode #323 is streaming now and its an interview with Finn McKenty of Punk Rock MBA Talks DIY! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions) and Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), in addition to the podcast, Matt and Curtis host The Music Marketing Challenges, low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. Get hands-on practical experience to market your band like a pro today! DM Matt or Curtis at the links below for detailsContinue reading

Dumb and Dumbest Episode #322: Andrew Bansal Of Metal Assault Talks DIY!

We got deep with Andrew Bansal of Metal Assault records on how he leveraged a music journalism career into a DIY Record label with an acclaimed Mixtape series, music booking endeavors and more! Episode #322 is streaming now and its an interview with Andrew Bansal Of Metal Assault Talks DIY!! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions) and Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), in addition to the podcast, Matt and Curtis host The Music Marketing Challenges, low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. Get hands-on practical experience to market your band like a pro today! DM Matt or Curtis at the links below for detailsContinue reading

Dumb and Dumbest Episode #321: Andrew Apanov of Dotted Music and Music Growth Talks

One of the things holding musicians in bands trying to further their careers is a lack of learning resources to help themselves. Episode #321 is streaming now and its an interview with Andrew Apanov of Dotted Music and Music Growth Talks! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions) and Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), in addition to the podcast, Matt and Curtis host The Music Marketing Challenges, low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. Get hands-on practical experience to market your band like a pro today! DM Matt or Curtis at the links below for detailsContinue reading

Dumb and Dumbest Episode #320: Interview with Upstate Records Founder Mario Cangemi

Considering the ever-changing landscape of the record business, it’s tougher than ever to run a DIY record label. Episode #320 is streaming now and its an interview with Upstate Records Founder Mario Cangemi! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions) and Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), in addition to the podcast, Matt and Curtis host The Music Marketing Challenges, low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. Get hands-on practical experience to market your band like a pro today! DM Matt or Curtis at the links below for detailsContinue reading

Dumb and Dumbest Episode #319: Nikkie Marie Photographer and Booker at the Whiskey A Go-Go

Triple threat Nikkie Marie (concert photography, venue booker, and social media influencer) joins the pod to talk about her career thus far and drop some wisdom on our listeners. Episode #319 is streaming now and its an interview with Nikkie Marie Photographer and Booker at the Whiskey A Go-Go! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions) and Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), in addition to the podcast, Matt and Curtis host The Music Marketing Challenges, low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. Get hands-on practical experience to market your band like a pro today! DM Matt or Curtis at the links below for detailsContinue reading

Dumb and Dumbest Episode #318: Vince Neilstein On The Death Of Rock And Roll

Although Rock and Metal fans don’t want to admit it, as far as the popular culture is concerned, Rock is Dead. But what does Corey Taylor think? Episode #318 is streaming now and its an interview with Vince Neilstein (MetalSucks) On The Death Of Rock And Roll! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions) and Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), in addition to the podcast, Matt and Curtis host The Music Marketing Challenges, low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. Get hands-on practical experience to market your band like a pro today! DM Matt or Curtis at the links below for detailsContinue reading

Dumb and Dumbest Episode #317: Payola, Press and You

The practice of Payola is improbably still in existence over 70 years after it nearly ruined the music industry. In this episode of Dumb and Dumbest Podcast, Matt, Curtis, and Keefy tackle the topic and clear up some misconceptions about it. Episode #317 is streaming now and its all about Payola, Press and You! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions) and Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), in addition to the podcast, Matt and Curtis host The Music Marketing Challenge, a low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. Get hands-on practical experience to market your band like a pro today! DM Matt or Curtis at the links below for detailsContinue reading

Dumb and Dumbest Episode #316: It’s Called A Show For A Reason – How Often You Should Play Your Hometown

How often should your band play in your hometown? All the time? Barely?  Answers to these questions and more on Dumb and Dumbest Podcast #316! It’s Called A Show For A Reason – How Often You Should Play Your Hometown! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions) and Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), in addition to the podcast, Matt and Curtis host The Music Marketing Challenge, a low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. Get hands-on practical experience to market your band like a pro today! DM Matt or Curtis at the links below for detailsContinue reading

Dumb and Dumbest Episode #315: Interview with Joshua Walker (@AMG_CEO)

One of the keys to success in music is envisioning and creating a work plan to guide future success. This is especially crucial to prepare for the next year ahead of you.  Dumb and Dumbest Podcast #315 is streaming now and it’s an Interview with Joshua Walker (@AMG_CEO)! Dumb and Dumbest is hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions) and Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), in addition to the podcast, Matt and Curtis host The Music Marketing Challenge, a low-cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. Get hands-on practical experience to market your band like a pro today! DM Matt or Curtis at the links below for detailsContinue reading