Tijuana Bibles – Sun Chaser (Single)



Despite not having even released a full length album, and thus far one EP and single, Glasgow’s Tijuana Bibles have already accomplished quite the feats, most notably several small festival appearances and one at T In The Park; not something that every band you will find in these pages can claim. In anticipation of their upcoming release, these youngsters unveil latest single, the very catchy Sun Chaser (Pling).

On evidence of this single, it seems Tijuana Bibles have their ears to several phases of British influence. The main bulk sits strongly with indie rock and even a little Britpop, but doesn’t have quite the over-sanitized sheen or overly pop air of such mainstream radio fodder. Coupled with the hints of psychedelic and even blues hiding away and what we have here is signs of something special. On this single alone it seems that these guys’ future is very bright and should see acclaim from both the mainstream audiences and to those looking for something a little different.



Tijuana Bibles on Facebook