Fallujah – The Flesh Prevails

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One of America’s best kept secrets, Fallujah have made quite the impression in their home nation during their relative infancy. The well-received full length The Harvest Wombs and last year’s Nomadic EP were fine slices of the band’s impressive mix of melodic progressive metal and blistering, ferocious death metal, whilst the UK saw a brief but well taken support slot on Suffocation’s European tour. Now finally the band are about to get some well-deserved attention European attention with latest release The Flesh Prevails (all via Unique Leader).


The initial brace of songs are archetype of what this band can do when at top gear. Opener ‘Starlit Path’ begins in a manner of ambience before slowly creeping forward with blast-beats, chugging guitars and then a guttural bark from Alex Hofmann. This slow build encapsulates this bands formidable streak and perfect marriage between the two contrasting styles in one cohesive mesh. Following tracks ‘Carved From Stone’ and ‘The Night Reveals’ have less of a growth, but still are prime examples of their prowess as masters of the time old cliché of melodic yet heavy.


Things begin to lose momentum in the latter half of the album, which takes its foot off the gas and feels less straight for the throat. Much of these latter tracks, such as ‘Allure’ and ‘Alone With You’, shed vocals almost completely and have less of a death metal focus, with hints of a video game soundtrack. These tracks feel all the more improvised and jammed out and prove good showcases for their talent, but lack in necessity.


What started off so promisingly with an initial barrage of force, sadly becomes fragmented and surplus, if not dull. Shed some of this and The Flesh Prevails would have made a great EP release, but instead brings with it a lot of baggage.



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