BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on 3 Ideas to Email Your List

Everyone seems to know that they need to be sending emails to their email list, but they don’t know what to write. I wanted to break this down for you in a simple and easy way so that we could sit down and analyze some of the most effective types of emails that you can write to foster a relationship with your fans.

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Consistency and Your Content

Did you know the average YouTuber with 1 million views has 3,873 videos uploaded? That for the average person to reach 100k subscribers they need to upload 1,171 videos? This shit isn’t easy. In fact – it is quite difficult. This is why consistency is key. 

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon’s TikTok For Bands and Labels: A Primer

TikTok is a really interesting and exciting platform. Unfortunately, most bands and labels have absolutely no clue how to use it. With this short primer, I hope to demystify the platform for those of us who are DIY lifers.  

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on How to Pitch Music Festivals

As the year of COVID-19 seems to come to a close and we begin to have hope for a better future bands are once more starting to ask me how to pitch to festivals. I realized that I haven’t written an article on this in a good long while, and would love to help show you guys the light.

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Lessons from Going Viral on TikTok

So I went viral on TikTok over the weekend. I know you’re probably tired of me writing about TikTok, but going up 900 followers over the course of a weekend ain’t nothing to sneeze at. So I wanted to break down for you some of how I did that and what I learned in the process. 

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Lessons from Tik Tok

As some of you may have noticed I’ve been taking TikTok a lot more seriously in the last couple of weeks. Once I hit 10,000 on Instagram, I had to find a new project, and it seemed like a serious growth opportunity for me. With that in mind, I wanted to share some lessons from my getting my first hundred followers. 

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on His Favorite Books for Music Business Success


I frequently get asked about what my favorite books are for learning about business and the music industry. The books that act as guides to success if you will. I realized while I may have referenced these a lot, I have not actually broken down my favorites.

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Non-Musical Skills to Learn During COVID

I was thinking about this as in many parts of the world we are facing a second lockdown and all that that entails. I wanted to break down – what are some skills you should have if you want to make your band progress and grow a lot faster? After all – the band who can do more on their own is often the band who succeeds. I didn’t want to do basic stuff like ‘social media’ or ‘practicing your instrument’ though those are valid. I wanted to get into some of the core skills that help.

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on What Makes Live Streams Great

So what goes into a good live stream? I’m not going to lie, I haven’t watched a lot. While I admire the format and have certainly seen some things that really impressed me, as a general rule I don’t really think they are for me. However – a lot of people really like them. And they are a great way to keep attention on your band during COVID. So I wanted to break down some of the things that make the good ones worthwhile.

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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Show Promotion Post-COVID

So I think we can agree that this coronavirus thing is gonna last a while. Like a while. Like probably until next fall. With this in mind, I think we can agree the booking landscape is also going to be changed in some unprecedented ways. Continue reading