As the year of COVID-19 seems to come to a close and we begin to have hope for a better future bands are once more starting to ask me how to pitch to festivals. I realized that I haven’t written an article on this in a good long while, and would love to help show you guys the light.
Tag Archives: DIY
BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Lessons from Going Viral on TikTok
So I went viral on TikTok over the weekend. I know you’re probably tired of me writing about TikTok, but going up 900 followers over the course of a weekend ain’t nothing to sneeze at. So I wanted to break down for you some of how I did that and what I learned in the process.
BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Lessons from Tik Tok
As some of you may have noticed I’ve been taking TikTok a lot more seriously in the last couple of weeks. Once I hit 10,000 on Instagram, I had to find a new project, and it seemed like a serious growth opportunity for me. With that in mind, I wanted to share some lessons from my getting my first hundred followers.
BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on His Favorite Books for Music Business Success
I frequently get asked about what my favorite books are for learning about business and the music industry. The books that act as guides to success if you will. I realized while I may have referenced these a lot, I have not actually broken down my favorites.
BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Non-Musical Skills to Learn During COVID
I was thinking about this as in many parts of the world we are facing a second lockdown and all that that entails. I wanted to break down – what are some skills you should have if you want to make your band progress and grow a lot faster? After all – the band who can do more on their own is often the band who succeeds. I didn’t want to do basic stuff like ‘social media’ or ‘practicing your instrument’ though those are valid. I wanted to get into some of the core skills that help.
BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on What Makes Live Streams Great
So what goes into a good live stream? I’m not going to lie, I haven’t watched a lot. While I admire the format and have certainly seen some things that really impressed me, as a general rule I don’t really think they are for me. However – a lot of people really like them. And they are a great way to keep attention on your band during COVID. So I wanted to break down some of the things that make the good ones worthwhile.
BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Show Promotion Post-COVID
So I think we can agree that this coronavirus thing is gonna last a while. Like a while. Like probably until next fall. With this in mind, I think we can agree the booking landscape is also going to be changed in some unprecedented ways. Continue reading
BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Good and Bad Investments for Your Album Release
Physical product is not going to sell itself. This is a huge mistake I see a ton of bands making. They have this idea that just because they pressed it, it will sell. This is not the case. In fact, physical product can even be a bad investment. Continue reading
BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Getting Over 10K Followers on Instagram
So I’m zeroing in on 10,000 Instagram followers. It’s an exciting moment in my life as this has been a goal I’ve been working on for several years no wand which I’ve poured several hours a day into every day. So I wanted to break down getting over the hump and what I’m doing to reach the next level
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BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Why Creating Off-Brand Content Matters
One of the things that I think people don’t understand is the importance of documenting and creating content about the people around you if you want to grow. That’s why we talk so often about the value of being a music journalist or having a podcast or something to grow your contacts in the scene. Continue reading