Chimaira vocalist Mark Hunter recently announced he had been diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer, followed by an outpouring of support and love from the music community. Mark posted today from his bed at The Cleveland Clinic, post-surgery that he is doing well, it was a success and even weathering the ordeal with a sense of humor. He is due for some radiation treatments soon, but we believe in Mark and his ability to beat this. Get well soon!Continue reading
Tag Archives: Chimaira Singer Mark Hunter Has Announced He Has Thyroid Cancer
Chimaira Singer Mark Hunter Has Announced He Has Thyroid Cancer
Chimaira vocalist Mark Hunter has been diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. The Ohio-based musician revealed his diagnosis in a Facebook post earlier today (Thursday, August 1). Hunter is being treated at the world-famous Cleveland Clinic and is having a surgery in under two weeks, followed by radiation treatments. We love Mark and hope he kicks cancer’s ass and gets well soon!
“Hello friends. There’s no easy way to say it. I have thyroid cancer.
“Last year during a physical, my doctor discovered a large mass in my neck. I had two fine needle biopsies, but the results were inconclusive.
“A week ago, I had half of my thyroid removed so doctors could better test the tumor. The results were positive for apillary cancer- the most common of thyroid cancers. Luckily, it also has a high cure rate. There is no known cause for this type of cancer, but it’s likely genetic. There weren’t any symptoms either.