BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Festival Culture and Networking

Frequently I get asked about how I was able to grow my network so quickly and from such a young age. This is legitimately a great question because even as a teenager with no real industry gigs as it were, I feel like I quickly became a very connected individual. Now the secret behind this was not just the constant content creation. There are a lot of people who were creating as much content as me who didn’t get the opportunities that I did. Nor was a deep knowledge of metal. I’ll be the first to admit that there are a ton of people out there who have a deeper knowledge of metal than me. No, what it was, was that I was the guy who was at every festival and who was able to use festival culture as a way to make my presence known and then start to grow a future for myself in and industry that so often seems not to care. Continue reading