BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on Assets Your Band Needs To Succeed

One of the most important things that you can have as a band is a good set of assets. This doesn’t necessarily need to be a fancy EPK, nor does it need to be especially well put together. You just need to have them nicely organized, in one place and easy for people to work with. An EPK is frequently meant to combine all of these things but it’s not the be all end all. What I wanted to break down though was simply what assets you need to have in order to impress someone. I sometimes get a little bit unorthodox with what I think is essential, but that’s because I’m coming from a label guys’ headspace. I’m going to outline this stuff in a way that I want to see it if you were trying to sign to one of the labels that I work with (Ripple Music and Prophecy Productions if you were curious) and how you can go about creating it.Continue reading